Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Year

Good grief! It's been a month since I've written. That is shameful!

So today's body talk: Pulled muscles.

I can't remember the last time I pulled a muscle. I take care to warm-up and stretch. I'm in good shape and decently flexible, so it hasn't been a problem. Last night, I pulled one. Big time. I will need to get out my anatomy book to be sure which one it is, but I'm pretty sure it is my piriformis. Runs around the butt/hip/groin area. I forced a left split. I don't have a left split; I've never had a left split. But I thought I'd just push myself into it. Now today, I can hardly walk without limping! Even sitting hurts. I'm dumb.

So tonight is gym night, but there will be no running. I think I'll work upper body. Brie said on Saturday that I was weak in my upper body. What, now? I actually have muscles there, thank you very much. But Pilates was created by a man, for men, so I have a long way to go to get to manly level!

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