Sunday, January 27, 2008


Over the past few weekends, I have learned, not for the first time, a very disturbing fact about myself: I have no idea how to rest.

I cannot stand having nothing to do. Often I think I would like having nothing to do. But then when it happens, I go positively stir crazy. Is this a cultural/generational thing? Or is this just a me thing? I should love these opportunities to sit at home and read, or blog, or take a nap, but I can't help feeling like I'm wasting time doing this, or missing out on something. Maybe this is why I work so many jobs. I've never really had ADD or anything like that; I've never had any trouble focusing on the task at hand. But when there is no task...I'm a wreck. I get very irritable. What the heck is wrong with me?

1 comment:

Amy Crawford said...

This is one of the most common complaints from women I hear our age in my sessions. Not to get too personal on an open blog, but usually we keep ourselves busy because to stop - to really spend time with ourselves - can be scary. It means that there is some stuff going on internally that perhaps is a little overwhelming to face up to, or that has been following us for a long time and we are desperately trying to run from it. I find that oftentimes it has to do with one of two things: our spiritual life, or pain from the past that we haven't fully dealt with. If you continue to find this to be a problem, it might not be the worst idea to go talk with a trusted mentor for a few sessions, or find a counselor to figure out why it is so hard to just allow yourself to sit.