Wednesday, October 31, 2007

This time of year

Work is totally crazy busy. I've been coming in earlier and staying later. I think I'm coming in this Saturday. Because I'm at work so much, it does limit the time I have to go to the gym. Monday I made it there a little before class. I ran a mile! Wheeee! I didn't hurt too much after or during either, so that's nice. I think I will keep it at a mile for a week or two. Work back into it.

On a completely unrelated note, I'm so annoyed that no local channels broadcast the Democratic Debate from Drexel last night! It was right in town, and I couldn't watch it. Apparently it was good one. I'm registered as a Republican, but some of the Democrats look more appealling than some of the Republicans. I'm sure footage is available on the Internet somewhere.


Amy Crawford said...

Not to get into politics, but some of the democrats look better? I think I would vote for Mike Gravel or Fred Thompson before I would vote for Rudy Guiliani (shudder). I always forget that the rest of the country remembers him as the "hero" mayor, when all of us in the NJ/NY area remember him as the blithering idiot that we all indifferently tolerated....
I am always suprised when you say you are registered as strike me as three times more liberal than even I am...

Amy Crawford said...

In any case, my vote goes to Barack, ut I will tolerate Hillary.

Kinesic Sense said...

Ron Paul is about the only Republican I like. I hope Barak can pull it out over Hilary. What can I say, I am a freak of nature.